Kvaser USBcan R v2
Kvaser USBcan R v2 2xHS是一款輕巧但極為耐用的雙通道CAN匯流排介面。其外殼採用鋁合金製造,具有IP65防護等級,覆蓋有耐用的聚氨酯塗層,可哥靠地防水防塵,並具有抗震、抗衝擊和防摔功能。該介面使用標準的USB2.0連接,兩個高速CAN通道分別位於兩個獨立的9針D-SUB CAN連接器中。Kvaser USBcan R v2 2xHS能夠處理標準和擴展的CAN消息的發送和接收,並具有100微秒的時間戳精度。其功能還包括錯誤幀檢測。
• 使用一臺設備即可同時連接兩個CAN通道。
• IP65等級的羽量級鋁合金外殼,覆有聚氨酯塗層密封。
• 每個通道每秒可發送高達15000條消息,每條消息都具有100微秒的時間戳精度。
• 快速簡便的即插即用安裝。
• 支持高速CAN(ISO 11898-2)達到1Mbit/s。
• 支持11位(CAN 2.0A)和29位(CAN 2.0B active)識別字。
• 電源來自USB匯流排。
• 錯誤幀檢測。
• LED指示燈提醒用戶設備狀態。
• 100%相容使用Kvaser CANlib編寫的其他Kvaser CAN硬體的應用程式。
• 完全相容J1939、CANopen、NMEA 2000和DeviceNet。
• 工作溫度範圍從-40°C到70°C。
• 文檔、軟體和驅動程式可免費下載。
• Kvaser CANLIB SDK是一個免費資源,包括您開發Kvaser CAN介面軟體所需的一切。包括完整的文檔和許多程式示例,使用C、C++、C#、Delphi、Java、Python和Visual Basic編寫。
• 所有Kvaser CAN介面板共用一個通用的軟體API。針對一個介面類型編寫的程式將無需修改即可在其他介面類型上運行!
• J2534應用程式編程介面可用。
• RP1210A應用程式編程介面可用。
• Windows HTML-Help和Adobe Acrobat格式的線上文檔。
Bitrate | Categories | Certificates | Channels |
Connectors | Current Consumption | Error Counters Reading | Error Frame Generation |
Galvanic Isolation | Height | Interfaces | Length |
Material | Messages Per Second Receive | Messages Per Second Sending | OS |
Silent mode | Sound | Temp range | Timestamp Resolution (µs) |
Weight |
Kvaser SocketCAN Device Drivers
Kvaser SocketCAN Drivers for Linux. For using generic SocketCAN API. Only needed if current kernel version of SocketCAN does not recognize new hardware. Version V1.15.409
Kvaser Linux Drivers and SDK
Linux drivers and SDK for most Kvaser devices. For using Kvaser proprietary API. Do not install if using SocketCAN. Version V5.44.630
Kvaser DIADEM driver
This free driver for National Instrument’s DIAdem supports all CAN hardware from Kvaser. Version V4.1.0
Kvaser Drivers for Windows
Windows drivers for all our CAN hardware. Please check the release notes for information on which Windows versions are supported. The package also contains a driver for a virtual CAN bus, for testing and evaluation when you don’t have access to a physical CAN bus. Version V5.44.630
Kvaser Firmware Update Tool
Firmware Update tool for most Kvaser devices. Version V4.32.630
Kvaser Canlib Android Library
Kvaser CANlib Android Library. Version V1.2.0
Linux SDK library
Linux SDK library. Provides extended libraries for accessing dbc files, controlling data logger family, and converting/extracting log files. Version V5.44.630
The Canlib module is a Python wrapper for Kvaser CANlib SDK.
Kvaser LabView VI Library for CAN
Library for National Instrument’s LabView. Version for all Kvaser CAN hardware. Version V23.1.0
Kvaser CANlib SDK
Software development kit – everything you need to develop software for the Kvaser CAN and LIN interfaces. Libraries, header files, sample programs for e.g. C, C++, C#, Visual Basic and Delphi, documentation, and more. Note: you need to download and install the appropriate device drivers separately. Version V5.44.630
Kvaser USBcan R v2 User’s Guide
Kvaser USBcan R v2 User’s Guide. Version V3.6.240218
Kvaser CANKing
A free of charge, general-purpose CAN bus monitor. It works with all CAN interfaces from Kvaser and also with the virtual CAN bus. Version V6.26.654