TS-WFD18 18位任意波形發生器模組 |高速高解析度18位波形捕捉


TS-AWG18任意波形發生器模組提供高達300 MHz的採樣速度和18位元解析度,支持多種輸出模式和可選濾波器,確保高品質的波形生成。其出色的動態性能和低抖動時鐘輸入,使其適合用於需要高精度和高品質波形的應用。



TS-AWG18是專為需要高速與高解析度波形生成的應用而設計的18位元任意波形發生器。該模組支援最高300 MHz的更新速率,具備優異的THD和信噪比表現。TS-AWG18具有可程式設計的共模電壓差分輸出,並支援單端應用,適應廣泛的測試單元輸入電壓範圍。透過內建的8M字(16M位元組)波形記憶體,該模組能生成複雜的訊號形狀,並提供多種濾波器選項,讓使用者可在特定頻率下獲得更佳的動態性能,是對訊號完整性與精度要求極高場景的理想選擇。

TS-AWG18 模組示意圖 TS-AWG18 性能分析圖
Resolution18 bit
Update rate1 MHz - 300 MHz
Pattern memory depth8M words
Input impedance1 kOhm
Input level0 V or 1 V (programmable)
Input level around threshold±100 mV to ±2 V (±4 V max.)
Input impedance50 Ohm
Threshold level0 V or 1 V (programmable)
Input level around threshold±100 mV to ±2 V (±4 V max.)
Jitter from clock-in to f-out130 fs (typical,f-out = 100 MHz,jitter BW = 1 kHz-10 MHz)
輸出特性 - LF模式詳細資訊
Output impedance50 Ohm
Ranges Single Ended (Vpp into open circuit)0.58 V,0.82 V,1.16 V, 1.64 V, 2.32 V, 3.28 V, 4.64 V, 6.56 V
Output filters (3 pole Butterw.)Bypass, 15 MHz, 30 MHz
Bandwidth,-3 dB (typical)100 MHz (excl. sinx/x effect)
0.1 dB flatness (typical)30 MHz (excl. sinX/X effect)
Output configurationDifferential,Single Ended
Output operating range+/- 5.84 V
輸出特性 - HF模式詳細資訊
Output impedance50 Ω/ 100 Ω
Ranges Single Ended (Vpp into 50 Ohm)0.41 V,0.58 V,0.82 V,1.16 V,1.64 V,2.32 V,3.28 V,4.63 V
Ranges differential (Vppdiff into 100 Ohm)0.58 V,0.82 V,1.16 V,1.64 V,2.32 V,3.28 V,4.64 V,6.56 V
Output filters (7 pole eliptic.)Bypass,17 MHz,25 MHz,38 MHz,56 MHz,80 MHz,117 MHz
Bandwidt,-3 dB (typical)6 MHz -100 MHz (excl. sinX/X effect)
Output configurationAC Differential,AC Single Ended
動態特性 - LF模式詳細資訊
SNR (fout = 1 MHz)73 dBc
SNR (fout = 10 MHz)70 dBc
THD (fout = 1 MHz)-90 dBc
THD (fout = 10 MHz)-75 dBc
SFDR (fout = 1 MHz)92 dBc
動態特性 - HF模式詳細資訊
SNR (fout = 10 MHz)73 dBc
SNR (fout = 100 MHz)71 dBc
THD (fout = 10 MHz)-99 dBc
THD (fout = 100 MHz)-75 dBc
SFDR (fout = 10 MHz)94 dBc
Resolution16 Bit
Voltage range-2.56 V to +2.56 V
DC-offset accuracy±(100 μV + 0.005 % of value)
Non Linearity±0.004 % of range
Non Linearity±100 ppm of range
Temperature drift (typical)±(10 ppm of range + 20 ppm of value)/ºC
Absolute accuracy±(300 μV + 0.02 % of range)
Non Linearity±0.004 % of range
  • 適用於高精度波形生成與分析的各類應用場景。
  • 廣泛應用於動態訊號分析及測試。
  • 在高速與高解析度訊號生成需求的領域中發揮優異性能。