PCIE數字化儀 M2p.5923-x4 16Bit 20MS/s 10MHz

數字化儀是一種電子採集設備,它採集模擬波形,通過模數轉換器 (ADC) 對其進行處理,並將數字化樣本發送到緩衝區,以便在計算機處理之前將其保存起來。波形數字化儀是 PC 或工業 PC 的插卡,用於測量連續電壓訊號以及電壓瞬變等快速訊號變化。因此它們也被稱為瞬態記錄器。

基於 PCIe 總線的虹科數字化儀產品按照不同的PCIe接口形式,主要分為2個系列:

  • M2p系列:PCI Express x4接口
  • M4i 系列:PCI Express x8接口


M2p59xx 系列數據表下載



M2p.59xx 系列允許記錄多達 8 個單端通道或多達 4 個差分通道,採樣率均高達 125 MS/s。這些 PCI Express 卡在分辨率和速度方面均提供出色的 A/D 功能。這些卡可以在具有可編程偏移的單端輸入和真正的差分輸入之間切換。如果在差分模式下使用,每兩個輸入都連接在一起,將可用通道的數量減少一半。與 14 位卡相比,16 位垂直分辨率的精度是 14 位卡的四倍,與 12 位卡相比,精度是 16 倍。 M2p.59xx 系列的所有板卡可以完全使用整個安裝的板載內存,最多 512 MSamples,用於當前啟用的通道數。


•  Up to 20 MS/s on 8 channels (Single Ended)
•  Up to 20 MS/s on 4 channels (Differential)
•  Software selectable single-ended or differential inputs
•  Simultaneously sampling on all channels
•  Separate ADC and amplifier per channel
•  512 MSample on-board memory
•  6 input ranges: ±200 mV up to ±10 V
•  Programmable input offset of ±100%
•  Window, pulse width, re-arm, spike, OR/AND trigger
•  3 digital inputs as standard, 16 more as option
•  PCIe x4 Gen1 Interface
•  Works with x4/x8/x16* PCIe slots
•  Software compatible to PCI
•  Sustained streaming mode up to 700 MB/s
•  Direct data transfer to / from CUDA GPU using SCAPP





 Signal Processing

Signal Processing fro Digitizers

 21.02.20221 M
 M2p.59xx Datasheet

Data sheet of the M2p.59xx series

 23.09.2024827 K
 M2p.59xx Manual

Manual of M2p.59xx family

 23.09.202414 M
 IVI Driver Manual

Short Manual for IVI Driver

 21.02.2022532 K
 M2p LabVIEW Manual

Manual for LabVIEW drivers for M2p

 08.12.20235 M
 MATLAB Manual

Manual for MATLAB driver M2p/M4i/M4x/M5i/M2i/M3i/DN2/DN6

 13.12.20231 M
 SCAPP Manual

SCAPP Manual

 08.12.2023618 K


 Driver Win7/8/10/11

M2p/M4i/M4x/M5i/M2i/M3i/DN2/DN6 driver for Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 (32/64 bit)

7.0425.10.20245 M

C/C++ driver header and library files

7.0425.10.202444 K
 Control Center (32-bit)

Spectrum Control Center (32-bit) / Windows 7, 8, 10

2.3825.10.202424 M
 Control Center (64-bit)

Spectrum Control Center (64-bit) / Windows 7, 8, 10, 11

2.3825.10.202436 M
 SBench6 (32-bit)

SBench 6 (32-bit) Installer / Windows 7, 8, 10

6.5.0925.10.202436 M
 SBench6 (64-bit)

SBench 6 (64-bit) Installer / Windows 7, 8, 10, 11

6.5.0925.10.202449 M
 Remote Server Windows

Windows Installer for Remote Server Option

 10.03.202113 M
 IVI Digitizer

IVI Driver for IVI Digitizer class (32 bit)

 25.10.20243 M
 IVI Scope

IVI Driver for IVI Scope class (32 bit)

 25.10.20243 M
 LabView driver

M2i/M2p/M3i/M4i/M4x/M5i/DN2/DN6 LabView driver installer

 11.11.202420 M
 Matlab driver

M2p/M4i/M4x/M5i/M2i/M3i/DN2/DN6 Matlab driver + examples installer

 11.11.202425 M
 Examples for Windows

Windows Examples (C/C++, .NET, Delphi, Java, Python, Julia …)

7.0425.10.20242 M


 Linux Driver Complete

M2p/M4i/M4x/M5i/M2i/M3i drivers (Kernel + Library) for Linux 32 bit and 64 bit

7.0425.10.202436 M
 Linux Driver Library

Driver libraries (no Kernel) for Linux 32 bit and 64 bit

7.0425.10.20249 M
 Remote Server Linux

Spectrum Remote Server Linux Installer Package

 11.03.202112 K
 Control Center

Spectrum Control Center

2.3825.10.202421 M

SBench 6 Linux 32 (.rpm)

6.5.0822.04.202426 M

SBench 6 Linux 64 (.rpm)

6.5.0917.09.202423 M

SBench 6 Linux 32 (.deb)

6.5.0822.04.202423 M

SBench 6 Linux 64 (.deb)

6.5.0925.10.202422 M

SBench6 Jetson (.deb)

6.5.0919.04.202411 M
 MATLAB Driver

Drivers + examples for MATLAB for Linux (DEB + RPM)

 25.10.2024156 K
 Examples for Linux

Linux Examples (C/C++, Python, Julia …)

7.0425.10.2024569 K


 Firmware Update (Windows)

M2i/M2p/M3i/M4i/M4x/M5i firmware update (Windows)

 17.09.202424 M
 Firmware Update (Linux)

M2i/M2p/M3i/M4i/M4x/M5i firmware update (Linux)

 17.09.202430 M

