Spectrum 產品主要用於電子訊號的獲取、產生和分析。

虹科提供採樣率每秒百萬次至十億次,8/12/14/16 位模擬分辨率的高速數字化儀、高精度數字化儀和任意波形發生器,共計超過 400 種產品。
符合目前最常用的行業標準,包含 PCIe、LXI、PXI Express (PXIe)、PXI、PCI、PCI-X 和 CompactPCI。配套軟體可以使產品示波器、數據記錄儀、數據採集系統、頻譜分析儀、邏輯分析儀、碼型發生器、數據流系統(FIFO)和瞬態記錄儀等多種儀器功能。

DN2.22/44/59xx 系列


DN6.22/44/59xx 系列

DN2.22系列DN2.221-02Ethernet208 Bit1.25 GS/s(2 active channels)500 MHz
DN2.221-04Ethernet408 Bit1.25 GS/s(4 active channels)500 MHz
DN2.221-08Ethernet808 Bit1.25 GS/s(8 active channels)500 MHz
DN2.44系列DN2.447-02Ethernet2216 Bit180 MS/s(2 active channels)125 MHz
DN2.447-04Ethernet4316 Bit180 MS/s(4 active channels)125 MHz
DN2.447-08Ethernet8316 Bit180 MS/s(8 active channels)125 MHz
DN2.448-02Ethernet2214 Bit400 MS/s(2 active channels)250 MHz
DN2.448-04Ethernet4314 Bit400 MS/s(4 active channels)250 MHz
DN2.448-08Ethernet8314 Bit400 MS/s(8 active channels)250 MHz
DN2.59系列DN2.591-04Ethernet4316 Bit5 MS/s(4 active channels)2.5 MHz
DN2.591-08Ethernet8316 Bit5 MS/s(8 active channels)2.5 MHz
DN2.591-16Ethernet16316 Bit5 MS/s(16 active channels)2.5 MHz
DN2.592-04Ethernet4316 Bit20 MS/s(4 active channels)10 MHz
DN2.592-08Ethernet8316 Bit20 MS/s(8 active channels)10 MHz
DN2.592-16Ethernet16316 Bit20 MS/s(16 active channels)10 MHz
DN2.593-04Ethernet4316 Bit40 MS/s(4 active channels)20 MHz
DN2.593-08Ethernet8316 Bit40 MS/s(8 active channels)20 MHz
DN2.593-16Ethernet16316 Bit40 MS/s(16 active channels)20 MHz
DN2.596-04Ethernet4316 Bit125 MS/s(4 active channels)60 MHz
DN2.596-08Ethernet8316 Bit125 MS/s(4 active channels)60 MHz
80 MS/s(8 active channels)
DN2.596-16Ethernet16316 Bit125 MS/s(8 active channels)60 MHz
80 MS/s(16 active channels)
DN6.22系列DN6.221-12Ethernet1208 Bit1.25 GS/s(12 active channels)500 MHz
DN6.221-16Ethernet1608 Bit1.25 GS/s(16 active channels)500 MHz
DN6.221-20Ethernet2008 Bit1.25 GS/s(20 active channels)500 MHz
DN6.221-24Ethernet2408 Bit1.25 GS/s(24 active channels)500 MHz
DN6.225-12Ethernet1208 Bit5 GS/s(2 active channels)1.5 GHz
2.5 GS/s(4 active channels)
1.25 GS/s(12 active channels)
DN6.225-16Ethernet1608 Bit5 GS/s(4 active channels)1.5 GHz
2.5 GS/s(8 active channels)
1.25 GS/s(16 active channels)
DN6.225-20Ethernet2008 Bit5 GS/s(4 active channels)1.5 GHz
2.5 GS/s(8 active channels)
1.25 GS/s(20 active channels)
DN6.225-24Ethernet2408 Bit5 GS/s(4 active channels)1.5 GHz
2.5 GS/s(12 active channels)
1.25 GS/s(24 active channels)
DN6.44系列DN6.447-12Ethernet12316 Bit180 MS/s(12 active channels)125 MHz
DN6.447-16Ethernet16316 Bit180 MS/s(16 active channels)125 MHz
DN6.447-20Ethernet20316 Bit180 MS/s(20 active channels)125 MHz
DN6.447-24Ethernet24316 Bit180 MS/s(24 active channels)125 MHz
DN6.448-12Ethernet12314 Bit400 MS/s(12 active channels)250 MHz
DN6.448-16Ethernet16314 Bit400 MS/s(16 active channels)250 MHz
DN6.448-20Ethernet20314 Bit400 MS/s(20 active channels)250 MHz
DN6.448-24Ethernet24314 Bit400 MS/s(24 active channels)250 MHz
DN6.59系列DN6.591-24Ethernet24316 Bit5 MS/s(24 active channels)2.5 MHz
DN6.591-32Ethernet32316 Bit5 MS/s(32 active channels)2.5 MHz
DN6.591-40Ethernet40316 Bit5 MS/s(40 active channels)2.5 MHz
DN6.591-48Ethernet48316 Bit5 MS/s(48 active channels)2.5 MHz
DN6.592-24Ethernet24316 Bit20 MS/s(24 active channels)10 MHz
DN6.592-32Ethernet32316 Bit20 MS/s(32 active channels)10 MHz
DN6.592-40Ethernet40316 Bit20 MS/s(40 active channels)10 MHz
DN6.592-48Ethernet48316 Bit20 MS/s(48 active channels)10 MHz
DN6.593-24Ethernet24316 Bit40 MS/s(24 active channels)20 MHz
DN6.593-32Ethernet32316 Bit40 MS/s(32 active channels)20 MHz
DN6.593-40Ethernet40316 Bit40 MS/s(40 active channels)20 MHz
DN6.593-48Ethernet48316 Bit40 MS/s(48 active channels)20 MHz
DN6.596-24Ethernet24316 Bit125 MS/s(12 active channels)60 MHz
80 MS/s(24 active channels)
DN6.596-32Ethernet32316 Bit125 MS/s(16 active channels)60 MHz
80 MS/s(32 active channels)
DN6.596-40Ethernet40316 Bit125 MS/s(20 active channels)60 MHz
80 MS/s(40 active channels)
DN6.596-48Ethernet48316 Bit125 MS/s(24 active channels)60 MHz
80 MS/s(48 active channels)

DN2.65/66xx 系列


DN6.65/66xx 系列

DN2.653-04ImageEthernet4416 Bit40 MS/s(4 active channels)20 MHz
DN2.653-08ImageEthernet8416 Bit40 MS/s(8 active channels)20 MHz
DN2.653-16ImageEthernet16416 Bit40 MS/s(16 active channels)20 MHz
DN2.654-04ImageEthernet4416 Bit40 MS/s(4 active channels)20 MHz
DN2.654-08ImageEthernet8416 Bit40 MS/s(8 active channels)20 MHz
DN2.656-04ImageEthernet4416 Bit125 MS/s(4 active channels)60 MHz
DN2.656-08ImageEthernet8416 Bit125 MS/s(4 active channels)60 MHz
80 MS/s(8 active channels)
DN2.656-16ImageEthernet16416 Bit125 MS/s(8 active channels)60 MHz
80 MS/s(16 active channels)
DN2.657-04ImageEthernet4416 Bit125 MS/s(4 active channels)60 MHz
DN2.657-08ImageEthernet8416 Bit125 MS/s(8 active channels)60 MHz
DN2.662-02ImageEthernet2216 Bit625 MS/s(2 active channels)200 MHz
DN2.662-04ImageEthernet4316 Bit625 MS/s(4 active channels)200 MHz
DN2.662-08ImageEthernet8316 Bit625 MS/s(8 active channels)200 MHz
DN2.663-02ImageEthernet2216 Bit1.25 GS/s(2 active channels)400 MHz
DN2.663-04ImageEthernet4316 Bit1.25 GS/s(4 active channels)400 MHz
DN6.653-24ImageEthernet24416 Bit40 MS/s(24 active channels)20 MHz
DN6.656-24ImageEthernet24416 Bit125 MS/s(12 active channels)60 MHz
80 MS/s(24 active channels)
DN6.662-12ImageEthernet12316 Bit625 MS/s(12 active channels)200 MHz
DN6.662-16ImageEthernet16316 Bit625 MS/s(16 active channels)200 MHz
DN6.662-20ImageEthernet20316 Bit625 MS/s(20 active channels)200 MHz
DN6.662-24ImageEthernet24316 Bit625 MS/s(24 active channels)200 MHz
DN6.663-06ImageEthernet6316 Bit1.25 GS/s(6 active channels)400 MHz
DN6.663-08ImageEthernet8316 Bit1.25 GS/s(8 active channels)400 MHz
DN6.663-10ImageEthernet10316 Bit1.25 GS/s(10 active channels)400 MHz
DN6.663-12ImageEthernet12316 Bit1.25 GS/s(12 active channels)400 MHz

DN6.65/66xx 系列

hybridNETBOX DN2.80x/DN2.81x系列
Digitizer and AWG up to 125 MS/s
DN2.803-08Ethernet8316 Bit40 MS/s(8 active channels)20 MHz
DN2.806-08Ethernet8316 Bit125 MS/s(8 active channels)60 MHz
DN2.813-02Ethernet2316 Bit40 MS/s(2 active channels)20 MHz
DN2.813-04Ethernet4316 Bit40 MS/s(4 active channels)20 MHz
DN2.816-02Ethernet2316 Bit125 MS/s(2 active channels)60 MHz
DN2.816-04Ethernet4316 Bit125 MS/s(4 active channels)60 MHz
hybridNETBOX DN2.82x系列
-Digitizer/500 MS/s and AWG/1.25 GS/s
DN2.822-02Ethernet2316 Bit250 MS/s(2 active channels)125 MHz
DN2.822-04Ethernet4316 Bit250 MS/s(4 active channels)125 MHz
DN2.825-02Ethernet2316 Bit500 MS/s(2 active channels)250 MHz
DN2.825-04Ethernet4316 Bit500 MS/s(4 active channels)250 MHz
DN2.827-02Ethernet2316 Bit180 MS/s(2 active channels)125 MHz
DN2.827-04Ethernet4316 Bit180 MS/s(4 active channels)125 MHz
DN2.828-02Ethernet2316 Bit400 MS/s(2 active channels)250 MHz
DN2.828-04Ethernet4316 Bit400 MS/s(4 active channels)250 MHz